I think time actually speeds up once you have kids. Anybody else feel that way? One minute you're pulling over on the way to the farm show in St. Joe, cleaning up puke in the backseat of your car from your one year old and the next minute you're watching her drive out of the driveway in her own car. I feel similar to all the kids in the class of 2020. They were just 4th graders, it seems! But now, they're getting ready for their senior year and then graduation. Crazy.I'm so honored to get to capture a few of those kids. :-) And this one is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.She truly does sparkle, even when there's no glitter around. She even wanted to pay homage to her folks....loved that! Your senior photos should reflect you and what you're all about! Thanks, Ally, for letting me help you do that!If you're interested in booking a Senior Session, call or text me at 785-548-5735 or email me at
[email protected]. Every Senior who books before their first day of school will receive 40 free wallets. Plus.........every Senior gets one of these awesome 2020 shirts! (Nerdy glasses not included. ;-) )