Polar Express

December 23, 2018  •  Leave a Comment
I'm not typically a travel blogger nor do I usually give recommendations, but this is just too good not to share.I wanted to do something a little different this year to get ready for Christmas and I had heard great things about the Polar Express in Branson, so we took off for a quick weekend there.  (Please note: I know nothing of the local Polar Express rides...I'm sure they are just as fun as this one.  But I'm only referencing the Branson Scenic Railway's version here.)We boarded passenger cars on an old train.  No clue what kind of train, but it was very cool.  The cars were decorated for Christmas and my kids had on their matching pajamas.After the conductor read the "Polar Express", each passenger got a giant mug of hot chocolate and a cookie.  The chef on our car did a little number to my favorite Polar Express song... Hot Chocolate! :-)  And the carolers came through with an accordion and sang Christmas carols with us.  Then the hobo came through....He. Was. Hilarious.Oh my goodness.....My side still hurts from laughing. And there's video to prove it, but you'll have to go watch my Instagram to see that!The train went through an area where the kids could see lots of Christmas lights, and then Santa came!He gave each passenger a bell & interacted with the kids.  He was wonderful with all of the kids in our car.We all had a blast and some wonderful memories were made.  I can't recommend it enough.  It was truly a show on wheels. Today was the last ride for the this year, but tickets for next year go on sale in April.  The best seats sell out fast, so if you're interested, I'd set an alarm now! ;-)  You can check out more information at the Branson Scenic Railway website and order tickets there.All photos are my own....my apologies that some are super dark.


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