Faith & Stuff

April 19, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Have you ever felt like God is nudging you to do something?

You keep seeing certain ideas and phrases repeated.  Opportunities keep presenting themselves.  People even say something so direct that it has you looking around...

So here it is.

Back in January, when the news came out about New York's decision on abortions, it made me very sad.  It feels like something so profound couldn't really be possible.  So I found myself asking "What can I do?"

At the time, I just went on with my life, still feeling the sting. A week later, a friend posted a video about it on Facebook & I felt the nudge. A month later, something came across Instagram that reminded me of the senselessness of it all.  Then a woman's personal story on social media of her battle with the choice of choosing whether to continue her baby's life or not.  A few weeks ago, a speaker introduced himself as "saved from abortion by adoption" and I felt a jolt go through me.  And all along, I've heard the Lord reminding me that He'd like me to take action.

But I asked myself that question again, "What can I do about it?" and the Lord placed a thought in my head.

And clear as a bell, I heard, "You could offer to take a child."


/You know, once you hear God's voice, you don't forget it./


At the same time, He's been guiding me through some faith issues.  Pastor Jentezen Franklin of Free Chapel shared about rubber band faith that I posted on my Instagram a while back.  Here's the youtube of that message:



(I had forgotten that it began with a review of the power of the movie "Unplanned"....How's that for God at work? ;-) )

If you don't want to spend the time listening to his message, Pastor Franklin said faith is like a rubber band.  It's not really much good if it's not stretched.  Basically, it's useless unless it's stretched.  He said "Unless you're stretching, you're not ready for what God has for your life."

That, combined with the message from my First Five devotional today, has made me realize that the Lord needs me to put myself out there & stretch for His kingdom.  We have a responsibility  to carry out and do what God describes in Psalm 82:3-4: "Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.  Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked." 


Having faith is one thing, but it's not really much good unless we are actively obeying, stretching ourselves to where God could use us.

I can't do much unless I make it known that I'm willing and able to.

I am Christ's ambassador (2 Corinthians 5:20) & He has asked me to act justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly with Him (Micah 6:8). 

And so, in faith, I don't share this lightly, but I believe it is what the Lord has been asking me to do.


If you or anyone you know is contemplating abortion, please reconsider and allow me and my family to raise that child.  We are not a perfect family, but we love and grow and accept and change together.  I know that children are a gift from God and we are here to raise them up as He would see fit.  I'm just one woman and we are just one family, but if it saves one child, I'm in.  


Please share this as most who are dealing with this kind of decision are not doing so publicly.  So you never know who the Lord may place it in front of. 

Contact me at 785-548-5735 any time of day or night.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Thank you. 



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